BioGeometry® is a science that deals with the Energy of Shape; it uses shapes, colors, motion, orientation and sound to produce a vibrational quality that balances energy fields.
Buckminster Fuller Institute
The Buckminster Fuller Institute is dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of solutions which radically advance human well being and the health of our planet's ecosystems.
Heart Math Institute
HM is a recognized, global leader in emotional physiology, stress management and the physiology of heart-brain research.
Jain - Mathemagics
Jain 50... was born in Sydney to Lebanese/Phoenician parents; he has enjoyed a lifetime involvement with the Fibonacci Sequence and the 5 Platonic Solids which taps into the highly visual hemisphere of the Right Brain. His work with Rapid Mental Calculation, sometimes known as "Vedic Mathematics" a 2,500 year old Indian system of Mental Arithmetic empowers students to perform mental calculations, in many cases... quicker than a calculator.
Marko Rodin
Marko Rodin has discovered the source of the non-decaying spin of the electron. Although scientists know that all electrons in the universe spin they have never discovered the source of this spin. Rodin has. He has discovered the underpinning geometry of the universe, the fabric of time itself. He has done this by reducing all higher mathematics – calculus, geometry, scalar math – to discrete-number mathematics.
The Resonance Project Foundation
Founded by Nassim Haramein: Advanced Physics and Unified Field Theory. The Resonance Project Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the unification of all sciences and philosophies emerging from a complete and applied view of the physics underlying the wheelworks of nature.